B2B Value Prop Work – Why invest the time?

I grew up in sales and marketing in major CPG companies in the ’90s. A time when it was de rigueur to write customer segmentation strategies in Great Big Decks…. presented in Great Big Meetings in hotels with second rate danishes and coffee cups that were far too small for the topic. My Great Big […]

3-D Selling – A Growth Guide

What a frustrating and common complaint, heard often by sales leaders and founders during weekly reviews of the revenue pipeline at many B2B firms. As a growth consultant, I hear it again and again, albeit in different forms. To me, it is one symptom of a recurring issue facing revenue teams. A lack of client […]

3 Tips to Unfreeze Your Team and Set Your Performance on Fire

Try a few of these tactics to unfreeze your team’s best performance: Challenging Yet Attainable Goals – Unattainable impossible goals kill performance faster than almost anything else. Reset your goals for this month, and those of your team, and set them free to give their best. According to the Harvard Business Review, a few salespeople […]

Sales and Marketing Skills Needed To Unleash Growth

At Portage Sales we offer a range of custom training units designed to accelerate the success of sales and client teams. Many of these get delivered to teams that include their marketing partners. Why? Because a well-aligned sales and marketing team leads to more revenue. “Organizations with tightly aligned sales and marketing teams experience 36% […]

Planning for Challenging Times

How quickly do I take action? How do I communicate with my team through the uncertainty of this pandemic? I spent last Thursday trying to get my head around my new reality, and sort of pretended to be calm and collected on Friday (good luck with that). It wasn’t until Tuesday morning this week that […]

Leading in a Crisis

The past week has been a blur…rushing to Laurier University to move my son home six weeks earlier than expected, virtually checking in on my elderly parents, helping my daughter transition from a busy high-school life to ‘just being home’, and collaborating with our team at Portage Sales on our resiliency plan as life and […]

Value Proposition Infographic

Check out our infographic to learn more about why you need a strong value proposition and tips on how to create one. Loop in With Us!

Sustaining New Skills

Sustainment refers to taking your new learnings and developing them into habits. This is often a key element missing in new sales initiatives and training. We hold a training session with all of the important details that the team needs to know, but don’t put a plan in place for after the workshop to ensure […]

The Buyer’s Journey

Gone are the days when a B2B buyer learns all about your company’s capabilities  from your sales team. The digital nature of our world has changed not only the way consumers buy, but also how B2B companies buy. Most consumers, like myself, make Google their first stop before making a major purchase. We do research […]