Lead Quality and Follow-up

Leaders must motivate front-line sales and marketing staff to work together and support them in taking the time to get lead handling and messaging right.

Take Your Discovery Questions to the Next Level

Hiker taking a rest on a trail with lake in background

Introducing our Next-Level Discovery Call Worksheet – your ultimate companion for elevating sales conversations. From preparation to rapport, questioning, solution tailoring, and clear next steps, this tool ensures continuous improvement.

Discovery Call Plan Template

Mountain biker descending a technical path

Our Discovery Call Checklist will guide you in enhancing discovery calls, focusing on preparation, rapport, questioning, solution tailoring, and clear next steps for continuous improvement.

5 Steps To A Better Discovery Call

Master effective selling with our guide to discovery calls, transforming formalities into powerful, rapport-building conversations for sales success.

Discovery Call Checklist

Our Discovery Call Checklist will guide you in enhancing discovery calls, focusing on preparation, rapport, questioning, solution tailoring, and clear next steps for continuous improvement.

Mastering The Art of Event Prep

Boost your sales success with our top strategies for maximizing networking and lead generation at industry events. Discover key tips for before, during, and after the event

Portage Sales Earns Its First Review on Clutch

We recently collected our first review on the B2B review platform Clutch. There is no better way than delighted customers to show the effectiveness of our services to prospective customers. The company we were working with for this project was an AI-powered visual content marketing platform. They needed a tailored training program for their customer […]

Customer Interviews: Why and How.

Customer interviews are foundational to developing a robust B2B value proposition.  Discovering the difference you can make in solving your customer’s problems lies, well…. with the customer.  So, talking to them is not a step you can skip. If you don’t speak to your customer, you are really just talking to yourself. There are well-documented […]