Mastering The Art of Event Prep

As a sales professional, attending events is an excellent way to accelerate your network, generate leads, and gain industry insights. However, when it comes to attending, there’s more than meets the eye. Making the most out of these events requires careful planning, effective networking, and strategic follow-up. To elevate your game to the next level, we’ll be sharing some strategies to maximize your revenue enablement and achieve your sales goals.


Pre-Event Preparation:

Before attending an event, it’s important to research and plan ahead to ensure that you’re investing your time and resources effectively. Here are some tips to help you prepare for an event:

  • Look for events that are relevant to your industry, target audience, and location. Check online directories such as Eventbrite, Meetup, or LinkedIn Events to find events that match your criteria.
  • Set clear goals and objectives for attending the event. Are you looking to generate leads, meet potential partners, or learn about new trends and disruptions in your industry? Having a clear goal in mind can help you prioritize your time and resources during the event.
  • Reach out to attendees and speakers before the event. LinkedIn, Twitter, or email can be great ways to connect with potential contacts and establish rapport before the event.


Networking at the Event:

Once you’ve arrived at the event, it’s time to start networking. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your networking opportunities:

  • Be present and attentive. Active listening and empathy are key to building trust and establishing rapport with potential connections. Avoid checking your phone or looking over the shoulder of the person you’re talking to.
  • Prepare an elevator pitch that clearly and succinctly describes who you are, what you do, and what you’re looking for at the event. Practice your pitch before the event to make sure you’re comfortable and confident.
  • Ask open-ended questions that encourage conversation and show interest in the other person’s perspective. Examples include “What brings you to this event?” or “What challenges are you facing in your industry?”


Post-Event Follow-Up:

After the event, it’s critical to follow up with the connections you’ve made to cement the relationship and continue the conversation:

  • Within 24-48 hours, send a personalized message that references the conversation you had at the event. This can be a great way to show that you are interested in continuing the conversation.
  • Share relevant resources such as whitepapers, case studies, or blog posts that demonstrate your expertise and provide value to the other person.
  • Schedule a follow-up call or meeting to continue the conversation and explore potential business opportunities. Make sure to set clear expectations and follow through on your commitments.


By following these strategies for effective event preparation, networking, and follow-up, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your sales goals. Remember to plan ahead, be present and attentive during networking opportunities, and follow up effectively to cement relationships and explore potential business opportunities.

Picture of  PETER MEYERS


Peter is an executive advisor, consultant, and facilitator who happily lives and breathes sales strategy and customer experience. With a razor-sharp focus on making sales teams more effective, he combines his creativity, collaborative style, and relentless drive for results. Before Portage, he held VP roles in sales, marketing, and product innovation at LoyaltyOne, Epsilon, The Toronto Region Board of Trade, and Engage People. When he’s not exploring new sales strategies, he’s taking in the great outdoors.

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